Practical info


  • World Port Center along Hotel New York (Wilhelminakade)
  • Q-park De Rotterdam (Wilhelminakade)
  • Q-park Boston & Seattle (Otto Reuchlinweg)
!! Parking forbidden on quay !!!

Hotel New York, Wilheminapier, head of south – Koninginnenhoofd 1 Rotterdam


Metro: D and E (Wilhelminaplein)
Tram: 8 and 23 (Wilhelminaplein)

Calculate the shortest route using Google Maps or a bicycle route planner if you are coming by bike.


  • Piet Hein Garage
  • Interparking IJ-oever centrum
  • Parkinggarage – Veembroederhof 98
  • Parking Centrum Oosterdok

!! Parking forbidden on quay !!!

In front of the Passenger Terminal entrance, walk outside to the left to the BIMhuis and Muziekgebouw aan t IJ and then around the corner is the ship


Bus: 43 (Piet Heinkade)
Tram: 26 (BIMhuis, music building)

Calculate the shortest route using Google Maps or a bicycle route planner if you are coming by bike.


  • Kelfkensbos parking garage
  • Eiermarkt parking garage
!! Parking forbidden on quay !!!

6511 VL Nijmegen, The Netherlands


Bus: 2,8, 15, 33, 80 (Waalkade)

Calculate the shortest route using Google Maps or a bicycle route planner if you are coming by bike.

Grondplan RiverEvent